This IS ME

I cant spell, to well... And my grammer is bad to... so yea I am just gunna type to my heart's content.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The city never sleeps and apparently i don't either

Hello all. I have not written in quite some time because I have not had anything to write about. Now I do.

Yesterday I went into the city with a longtime friend of mine just to get out and about, see new things, meet new people, and boy did that happen.

So it all started the day before yesterday (which was a Monday), when I was driving a friend to Laguardia airport. I really wanted to go into the city then but was not dressed to go. So Tuesday came and i was thinking during work, " I really want to go to the city. I really really want to go to the city..." so I got off work and decided to call my friend to see if he wanted to go. now I did not have anything planed or any idea of what I was going to do so It was a sporadic decision.

My friend texted me back, "whats up", where as I replied lets go to the city. I received a text saying, " let me shower I'm dirty pick me up at 515." So 515 comes and I get my friend and we make it to the bus station with only minutes to spare. As we were getting the tickets the bus came so we frantically grabbed our tickets and rushed to the bus. The driver opened his doors back up and let us in.

Next we are on the bus, and now we both have to piss and we are stuck in traffic going to the Lincoln tunnel. Not fun at all. the 30 min drive turned into a hour or so drive. However it was not that big of a deal.

We get to Port Authority and get out on to the streets of NY. There we decided to get away from the big flashy part of the city like Time Square and Broadway  and fine the hole in the wall places. An hour or so later of walking we made it to 9th and 59th or around there and found a little place called Lincoln Park Bar and Grill. Perfect. We go in, and the drinks were cheep and the people were nice and it reminded me of the bars back home. a very fun place to be.

Next we went to this bar called Bar 9. not as nice but still cheep drinks and the bar had a pool table. We spent a good hour and a halve playing pool drinking and just having a good time. Next we went to a Irish pub that I don't remember the name of though. However across the street was a Deli and I had not eaten all day so I decided to go and get a sandwich since my friend left his tab open at Bar 9. The sub was HUGE and only 5 bucks. I love little places like that. not the huge restaurants or anything like that. nice and quiet.

So it's getting later now and we have about an hour and a halve till we have to get back to the bus Depot and go home. we have a drink at the Irish pub that I don't remember the name of and head over to another bar with a pool table, Molloys. That place was like the first bar we went to. Calm cheep and nice. we played one game of pool and headed off to Port Authority.

We made it to Port Authority very quickly and got some food but then realized that one, my friend had lost his other round trip ticket, and two, we had to go from the bottom of Port Authority to the very top in 25 minutes. We hauled ass up those stairs and made it up there with time to spare. I went to the side store by our bus gate and got a bag of Combos and two waters for the ride home. We waited and got on the bus back home. This is where things get interesting.

Right as we leave Port Authority  I fell asleep. and in that time my phone fell out of my pocket and we missed our bus stop. We ended up at the last station which was not to  far from the stop we needed to go to. The only thing was it was across the highway... so we decided we could make it and we got to my car in one piece. On our way home I realized that I didn't have my phone on me. Oh jeez I had a feeling something like this was going to happen. lucky my other friend had gotten a call or called me and the transit garage people said they had my phone.

So I made my way there this morning and got my phone. I though it was much later that it really was when I woke up. Fell Asleep around 2 and woke up at around 8.

All in all the trip was Epic and a blast, and I cant wait to go back and find more bars like the ones we found.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

This Morning

Hello all you bloggers and non bloggers out there. Today I woke up very late because today is the first day off of work I've had in about seven days or so. For work I have to wake up around 5:30 6:00 in the morning so normally I'm very tired but its money and plus I like to work and waking up doesn't bother me. However, when I have my days off i cherish them and enjoy them wholeheartedly.

This morning after I woke up and grabbed what little coffee was left in the pot and had went outside and had a coffee and cigarette in the morning, or as my friends and I like to call it, coffee boge combo. Now I know smoking is bad for you and I should quit and blah blah blah but don't judge me. I do what I want.

So I was thinking this morning, while I was having my glorious morning combo outside, about how it's December today and it's not cold at all. It's brisk but not like winter cold. This fall into winter has made me think that mother nature is getting old in her age and is developing Alzheimer because I don't think she knows what season it is. For any of you who live around where I do ( Tri-state area) would agree, In October we had a crazy snowstorm that killed power for a lot of people. Plus it was super cold. then right after that the weather turned to spring weather. then back to fall, then back to spring, then to early summer, then to winter, then back and so on and so forth. For real mother nature get your shit together. There has to be a FDA approved drug to help you right now with your problem. Which brings me to my next topic.

Drugs. Now I'm not talking about like crack cocaine or heroin, I'm talking about the pharmaceutical drugs. like happy pills and things like that. Now some of them work yes but today we have become a society of medicating, where you take the green pill to make you happy, but the green pill might make you have anal leakage so you to take the blue pill which helps that but then that could make your liver fail, so we take a liver guard and eight billion other things. I think if a drug can do anything bad to your body it should not be taken. Like the warnings now on drugs are bigger than the directions, and sometimes are worse than your symptoms.  I was watching a commercial for a depression  medication and the side affects were "May worsen your depression, thoughts of suicide, heart problems, nausea, anal leakage, loss of appetite", and so on and so on.
Now I don"t know about you but I would rather have the depression and not have all those symptoms. It sounds like the drug makers are telling the FDA "here this works 40% all the time" and the FDA was like "WHAT??? so does it work?" and the drug makers shook there heads yes and here it is. Its ridiculous. to many drugs out there. Too many.

So I'm going to have another #1 combo outside and enjoy mother natures failings.

peace out cub scout.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blackouts and glitter

. Well readers, today a coworker decided to scoop up glitter and throw it on me... not amusing. I looked like that freaking dumb vampire from twilight that sparkles in the sun. I DON'T WANT TO SPARKLE!!!!! 

You ever go out and drink one to many brews or girly drinks and end up with like 2 packs of gum, a bunch of receipts to random places, a taxi ticket and woke up on a foreign couch and don't remember how it happened? Well I have and actually finding out what happened was much more fun that the night really was. You want to know what happened? Well I'm not going to tell you.

Lets start off with glitter. I do hate glitter with a burning passion. Its like the herpes of the craft world where as once you have it on you it doesn't go away. Also for some reason whenever there is glitter anywhere it always gets on me.... which blows... because I look like I just got mauled by a bunch of pixies. I want to meet the person who invented glitter and hurt them because it sticks to everything. It really does... which is stupid because I don't want glitter on me or like glitter at all. 

Now on to blacking out. Now for anyone who doesn't know what blacking out is, its when you consume to much of a chemical (normally alcohol) and don't remember most or all of the night. Now I know what your all thinking, blacking out is bad blah blah blah, which i agree with however, blacking out adds something.... Something special.... It extends the craziness of that night into the next day because now you have to figure out what happened. Like Clue... but not really. I remember one time i blacked out and it took me the whole day to figure out what happened. luckily it was mostly me being dumb and then passing out next to a fire and then waking up and being more stupid. However, there have been times where I'm look in my pocket after i wake up and have 20 bucks, a receipt for a diner, 200 texts from people saying "are you alright", or "where are you" and two empty packs of cigarettes and been like "WHAT HAPPENED!!!!!".  Now this is where the fun begins because now you have to think and try to use clues. or just text your friends and then you relive the night and see what shenanigans you got into. So in short, blacking out is bad, however fun as hell in the morning. VERY fun in the morning.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Well not sexual anyway...

This is my first blog post and i really am just getting use this site. For being a young guy this whole blog stuff makes my head hurt... but a lot of this really make my head hurt. To list a few,

1. Retail,
2. People who drive slow in the fast lane
3. Black Friday
4. Prius cars
5. The wrapping on DVDs and Video games

I could go on and on and maybe offend people but I don't want to do that on my first post... right?

So a little about me,

I love bacon. period.
I like the woods. Its quite nice.
Love Bacon. Had to say it twice cause i love it that much.
I get hurt a lot. I do a lot of stupid things like break my nose five times.
I hate retail but I am currently working in retail... which explains why i hate it.
I drive a big clunker truck. Sorry environment, Its what I got.
I love fire, explosions, things that go boom, pyrotechnics. Cause that shit is cool.
And I'm in the National Guard. Basically I play army once a month and get to blow things up

So more to come once I think of more things to write. Which might be soon cause I'm always thinking.

Deuces world,

See you later.